First draft of my non professional CV.
I have found this process much harder than I ever imagined. Writing a list of the credentials I have is easy, but it doesn't say a lot about me as person or the qualities I have to offer.
I was reading Lauren Harper's blog posts from when she reviewed her profile/CV in this task and she wrote "In the past I have always used my online professional profiles to market myself as a practising performer of the Arts however as my current situation has changed and no longer performing I need to look at marketing and networking myself in a different manner". This is exactly what I need to think about when drafting up my CV, channeling the thought process into marketing myself differently.
With my first draft of a non professional CV (should I be even describing it as a non professional CV? because it is a professional CV just for a different career right?) I wanted to put something down on paper what I thought was correct and not over thinking about all the fine details.
I started the CV with a personal statement an idea that I found encouraging by reading Matt Shepherds blog. It allows the reader to have an insight to you as a person and I believe if this doesn't inspire potential employers then why would they carry on reading your CV.
I then followed it up by my experience and instead of it being listed I used my job titles as subheadings, and below I bullet pointed the key points of what that specific job entailed and the personal skills it required. I found this very important as you are marketing yourself through experience in a real life situation.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated. As I am wanting to take this learning to create a profile. One thing at a time.
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