TASK 2B : Reflective Journal Task

Keeping a reflective journal makes me feel a little anxious, having to remember and write down feelings and thoughts critiquing yourself. It is something that I have never done and never felt the need to do in my day to day life. I questioned myself on why I haven't kept a journal previously? is it because I don't think I am academic enough to write properly? is there a correct way to write a personal journal? why do I care if it is right or not ?

As it is my first time in keeping a reflective journal that is personal to my professional practise, I am going to take on board the 9 different suggestive ways to write and put them into place over the next 9 days. The first way of writing I am going to test is lists, I love lists I am a very organised person so writing a list would come very natural to me. But would it when I have to write about how I'm feeling? or the things I did? or about what I thought could of gone better?

Everyone has to start somewhere, inspiration from reader 2. Howard Gardener came up with the idea 'multiple intelligences' (Gardener, 1983), showing that not everyone is 1 type of learner not everyone is academically intelligent. Gardener lists a number of ways people can be seen as intelligent, one particularly stood out for me and that is 'Bodily-Kinaesthetic' most dancers will say that they learn more through physical activity as its our profession wether its performing or teaching. He mentions that his theories are like 'lenses' for us to feel like we are not limited to be one kind of learner but we can use them as tools for our understanding of how we and others learn. This has given me confidence to open up and look at it in a different lens to hopefully show I'm not one kind of learner.
