Module 3: Planning Questions for Surveys and Interviews.

Module 2 has been a great platform for the execution of my inquiry. The process of the MORE form has made me think a lot more in-depth about my inquiry, having ideas for questions already jotted down I decided once I had approval from the board to ask my BAPP community for feedback. 

Things I thought about when putting my questions together.

  • Not be too direct in the question to make the participant feel they have to answer a certain way. 
  • Not inflict my beliefs and opinions in the questions.
  • What type of questions am I going to ask in my survey's. Multi choice or textual where it gives them a chance to explain their views. ( open or closed questions )
  • As I am asking participants that are dance teachers, educational teachers and parents to make the questions adaptable for all to answer.
  • Ask questions in which the answers/outcomes will help me develop in my professional practise. 
  • The way I word the questions may effect the answers. I want to know their opinion and want them to answer freely. 
  • Make the participant feel comfortable when answering the questions. (Venue)
  • How my relationship with them could possible detect from their truthful opinion. 
  • Been able to adapt and act more as a conversation with a semi-structured view. 
  • Also been aware of wether they are a parent, dance teacher or educational teacher understanding the background of their profession or care.
