Module 3: Planning

Module 3 is here, it has come around quicker than I thought. After handing in my inquiry proposal plan I have had time to think about the execution of my inquiry and clarify all the components. Taking on the feedback that I received from Helen has given me an avenue in which I need to concentrate on and the areas in which my inquiry needs a little more focus.

As always when I start a new module I feel as if I don't belong and over my head with what I need to achieve to get to the end. Luckily my proposal plan has set me up with a guide line for this module and I am referring back to my Gantt chart which I hope helps me stay on track.

The first two weeks of the module was for me to plan:

  • Carry on researching and expanding my literature to help develop my review. 
  • Create questions for my data collection process. Survey and interview.
  • How I will analyse my data that I will of collected. 
For module 3 I am going to really be strict with myself to stick to a rough timeline of when things need to be done, which hopefully if anything changes throughout my inquiry I can adjust without a rush of panic. 

Good luck everyone starting module 3. 

A xx
