Module 3: Process of analysis ethical considerations

Process of Analysis isn't just about gathering the data and then explaining what the data shows but its about triangulating your own experiences with the data collected and evidence of the literature. Showing that you are not answering the question of your own inquiry but researching further to collect a deeper understanding.

Adesola posted a blog post, 'Thoughts on people and interviews'. As I am in the process of analysing my interviews I found it really beneficial to read. Especially thinking of the ethical considerations when analysing and not just when conducting the interviews themselves. As all participants remain anonymous it is easy to forget these are people, not real and more like robots. Labelling them as participant 1 and 2 etc makes it sound like their 'test tubes' (Adesola) and less like humans.

The question is how do we illustrate each interviewee through our analysis? So that it reads in a way that makes them sound human like, which will give a dimension to our inquiry that is realistic and so the reader can connect with their answers.

The use of a pseudonym will allow me to give meaning to my analysis. But as Adesola mentioned in her blog post I have to think about, what name to use ? Will it reflect a gender or cultural background ? How the name will impact the reader, think close to their real name and how if not this will be perceived.

This has helped me massively think about the ethical considerations when analysing my data.
