Module One - Task A research

Task A is all about getting us to think about our own professional profile/CV and spending time researching other students blog posts to see how we can develop them. Starting this task and getting used to the blogging world I have wanted to begin researching straight away to give my 1st task a lot of thought and time for me to be able to progress as my studying evolves.

I currently have two different styles of CV, performing and non performing. Which sounds peculiar as you might be lead to believe you can use the same one, however there is a huge difference and thinking/researching about this task has made me understand what that difference could be. For example I have recently been attempting to put together a non performing CV as I am looking to take a different career path, away from performing something a little more long term and stable. With taking this leap it became apparent to me that maybe my performing CV wouldn't be suitable. I asked the question WHY? 

Why would some of the information on my professional CV not be useful for my non professional CV ? after researching online at templates of CV's it didn't take me long to realise. There is no reason why an employer for a primary school would want to see a headshot picture of myself or detailed information about my physicality. Another major difference was the layout, my current professional CV is laid out in a list formation giving the facts of my experience but not saying much about me as person or my qualities. Comparing it to a non professional CV where they define their experience but also give out information on what that role involved, which has made me think that by doing this it will give your employer a more in depth knowledge of your personal characteristics. 

With everything that I have discovered by researching the internet and by looking on other students blogs I feel like I have the confidence to create a first draft of a non professional CV. 

to be continued.....


  1. Hey Amber!

    Totally agree with what you've said, it must be so hard to try and make a non performing C.V! That's why I don't have one! But I love the layout of the C.V which is crammed with information! You go girl.

    I'm also having the same issue as you though. How can we get more information about us as people into the C.V? thats exactly what I have spoken about in my blog for this task! There must be a way of doing it, hopefully together we'll find a way!!

    Have a good week!


  2. Hi Amber!
    So glad to see you are embracing the blogging. You certainly seem to be off to a great start and it seems as thought it is coming naturally to you!
    The CV task can be quite a difficult one to do, but it is definitely eye opening, as it shows how image based performing jobs are. Looking forward to seeing how things progress for you throughout module one xx


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